首页 >耽美小说 >在他心上撒个娇 > 第一百五十六章:遇见,调查


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“Phil? I didn't think it was you! I saw you outside the store just now. Don't dare admit it. What are you doing here? This is”(菲尔?没想到真是你!刚才在店门外我就看到你了没敢认,你在这做什么呢?这位是……)




“Are you miss ai? Hello! My name is Anxi. I'm a friend of Mr. Phil's”(你是香奈小姐吧?你好!我叫安溪,是菲尔先生的朋友)

安溪礼貌的朝香奈雪儿伸出手,香奈雪儿也礼貌的回握,“Hello, Miss Ann! What are you doing here? Are you going skiing this afternoon”(你好,安小姐!你们在这里是在做什么呢?下午要去滑雪吗)

安溪点点头,指着自己挑选好了的工具说,“Well, I want to go to 'St. Ann's Island' iernoon. After all, it's my first time to the Uates. It's always good to walk more. It's not good! Take Mr. Phil to ski”(嗯,下午想去‘圣安岛’看看,毕竟是第一次来美国,多走动总是好的,这不!拉着菲尔先生一起去滑雪玩)

“I see, Miss Ann! Excuse me, Mr. Phil”(原来如此,安小姐!借用菲尔先生一下)


“Mr. Phil, the last time you asked me to find your sister, the informant said it might be in Nang”(菲尔先生,上次你托我找你妹妹那件事有下落了,有线人说可能会在南城)


菲尔·伦有些激动的抓住香奈的肩膀不停的摇晃说,“ai, where is she? Where's vivi?!”(香奈,她在哪?薇薇在哪?!)

香奈被他快摇得头晕眼花的了,一把车开了嗯他的手说,“Stop, stop, stop! Phil, don't be so excited! I'm almost knocked out by you”(停停停!菲尔你不要这么激动!我快被你摇晕过去了)

菲尔·伦也意识到了自己的失态,后退了几步,轻咳了一声说,“i 'm sorry! ai, where the hell is my sister?”(抱歉!香奈,我妹妹到底在哪?)

香奈雪儿从夹包里取出一叠资料来递给他,“These are the girls that my informant found out. They are very similar to your sister, and their ages are basically sistent. Look, but it will take more time to determine who they are”(这些都是我的线人查出来的很像你妹妹的女孩,而且年龄基本上也都符合,你看看,但是要确定到底是谁,还要多花一些时间)


“ai, are these all orphans you found out?”(香奈,这些都是你查出来的孤儿吗?)

香奈雪儿低头看了看,点点头,菲尔·伦把宁晚晚的那一页资料拿了上来说,“This is the daughter of Ning's family in Nang. Ning wanwan is not an orphan. Are y?”(这个是南城宁氏的千金,宁晚晚,她并不是孤儿,你是不是查错了?)

香奈雪儿摇摇头,十分严肃的戴上了墨镜说,“impossible! My informant uses iional hacker teology. There ever be wrong informatioher the girl hides her identity or... She is fake. Phil, I have an interview this afternoon. I will tio iigate this matter”(不可能!我的线人用的都是国际黑客技术绝不可能出现错误的资料,要么就是这个女孩隐藏了身份,要么……她是假冒的,菲尔我下午还有采访先走了,这件事我会继续调查下去)


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